
If you lost one or more teeth, there is a way to fill in the gaps with the aid of dental implants/ Thanks to dental implants you will regain your self-confidence. What is worth stressing, the loss of even a single tooth affects all the chewing system, therefore, missing teeth areas should be filled in as soon as it is possible.

Dental implants guarantee that one will restore full function and aesthetics to normal levels. More importantly, they also eliminate the need of grinding (usually) healthy adjacent teeth.

Finally you will be able to eat whatever you want, smile and talk freely, without suffering from discomfort associated with missing teeth.

Implants once united with the bone, support your teeth firmly, which gives you the actual sense of regaining your dentition. They are indistinguishable from naturals teeth.

The methods of Branemark implantation system are considered well-tried and have been used since the nineteen sixties in over a million patients.

Why implants?

  • in case if missing a single tooth, the adjacent teeth do not need to be ground
  • in case of the loss of all teeth, implants are the only solution helping to install a lower jaw denture or to avoid it completely by applying implant=supported bridges

Contradiction for implants
Implantation should not be performed in the following cases:

  • patients suffering from advanced paradentisis
  • wrong or insufficient dental hygiene
  • uncontrolled diabetes(delays the healing and integration process)
  • compulsive smokers (risk of rejection increase fourfold)
  • patients who have suffered from cancer, or other serious diseases
  • patients who have undergone radiotherapy treatment of the bony face areas
  • patients suffering from osteoporosis, blood diseases, bone inflammation

Before talking the decision abut implantation, the doctor analyses radiological picture of the patient’s jaws area. The patient is also required to have a blood test done. Only if these condition are fulfilled, the doctor can decide on surgery. During the operation, like in other kind of dental treatment, the patient is given local anaesthesia.