Root canal therapy

A root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) involves removal of the diseased pulp tissue. Nowadays, dentistry is so advanced that the treatment no longer needs to be considered an unpleasant experience.
Saving one’s own tooth should be given high priority, therefore, being very often the only way to do so, the endodontic treatment may easily compete with tooth extractions.

Inside every tooth there is the dental pulp consisting of lymphatic and blood vessels, and nerve tissue. Damage to the dental pulp may be caused by bacterial infections, a tooth injury or breaking, dental diseases. If left untreated, the pulp infection may dangerously affect also the surrounding bone, reducing its density in the root’s tip area. The root canal therapy may be recommended in case of toothache while chewing, tooth sensitivity to foods and liquids which are cold or hot, large dental cavity or tooth damage.

In most cases the treatment may be performed within a single visit. The patient is anaesthetized. The therapy usually involves taking three X-rays.

The infected dental pulp is removed through an opening in the crown. The pulp chamber and all root canals are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and then filled and sealed. Finally, the crown is reconstructed.



The vast majority (about 90%) of teeth treated this way is likely to last as long as healthy living teeth. Thanks to our equipment and long-standing experience we are able to successfully perform the root canal treatment of teeth which formerly might have had to be extracted.
In most cases the treatment may be performed within a single visit which considerably saves time and potential pain.